The week-long film festival reached out to more than 5,00,000 young audiences across India with over 150films from 50 countries and 50 different workshops, masterclasses, panel discussions and more. More than 50 national and international industry professionals, jurors, filmmakers and guests from 12 different countries participated in person and 100 young Jurors from 10 countries participated virtually during these 7 days. The national media has recognised the 10th edition of SIFFCY as the largest film festival in the country this year !
Major activities along with the opening and award ceremony were held in New Delhi during the week. Simultaneously multiple screenings and related activities were scheduled in different schools and communities in various locations across India. Selected program were also available on the specially designed, secured, dedicated streaming platform of the festival throughout the week.
The films program included 150+ films from different genre including feature films, short films, documentaries and animations made by both professionals and children, from above 50 different countries have been selected for various sections of the official program of the festival this year. Along with film screenings, multiple capacity building workshops, panel discussions and interactive masterclasses were hosted during the week-long festival.
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SIFFCY is a flagship initiative of India’s leading development organization Smile Foundation to engage, educate and empower young minds through Good Cinema and Cinema related capacity building workshops, interactivepanels, masterclasses and related activities. The annual festival attracts thousands of filmmakers, industry professionals and Cinephile from across the world and more than 50000 young spectators take part in the week-long film festival every year. We hope to reach out to a larger audience and expect virtual participation of more than one million Online visitors all together.
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